
“Breathe” – a Free audio to Stop Anxiety

To introduce you to my audio products, an mp3 called “BREATHE”, leading you through a short, calming breathing technique is yours when you sign up to my newsletter, on the right hand side of this page.

It is best to start this exercise by listening to the audio so that you can simply relax into it […]

By |January 20th, 2023|Anxiety, Confidence, freedom of mind, meditation|0 Comments

Money Breakthroughs! – Handle the money and shed the worry

Money Taboos
I don’t know about you folks across the waters, but we Brits
have some kind of taboo on talking about money. Large
numbers of us desperately avoid bringing up the ‘M’ word in
conversation – no matter how much stress it causes in our lives.
And money worries are certainly a cause of much anxiety.

Money is one of […]

By |February 1st, 2024|Anxiety, Confidence, freedom of mind, Money, Stress|0 Comments

Money Breakthroughs – Check Your Money Speedometer





Do you seem to hit an unseen barrier when it comes to generating income, or sustaining wealth you gained through hard work, luck or legacy?

A common source of anxiety and frustration for coaching clients is feeling out of control and  mystified as to where the money has gone.  If like them you are unhappy with […]

Taming Anxiety with Anxiety Breakthroughs

More from Anxiety Breakthroughs Coaching Programme

Dominated by anxious thoughts and feelings?
Struggling to just get rid of them?
Do you despair of being free of Anxiety?

Here’s an Idea for your Anxiety Toolbox:

If anxiety is ruling your life, you may think I am nuts to say so, but you are more powerful than anxious thoughts […]

By |December 12th, 2023|Anxiety, freedom of mind, Stress|0 Comments

Money Worries?

A  client once described our coaching sessions as de-cluttering the mind and this can include your money worries because
How you do money is how you do everything!

When I first heard this phrase it certainly intrigued me. With Money Breakthroughs I show you what that means and why a fresh attitude and plan for money can […]

By |November 20th, 2023|Anxiety, Confidence, freedom of mind, Money, Self Esteem|Comments Off on Money Worries?

Balancing Head, Heart, and the Law









I have a lot of time for lawyers and enjoy working with them to develop resilience to the inevitable pressures of their working life, and brushing up on emotional competencies, without which, both work and personal life can suffer.
Drama of the Emotions
The common perception of a lawyer is of a cool, calm and collected person, […]

By |October 17th, 2023|Anxiety, Emotional Intelligence, Law, Perfectionism, Stress|0 Comments

Sabotaging your Relationships with Supercarer?

The Tyranny of Supercarer
“If you don’t want to offend, don’t get up in the morning!”

We women are notoriously caught up in guilt around keeping our best interests at heart.

Are you easily swayed into taking care of other people at the expense of your own health and prosperity? Unable to say No to others demands however […]

By |April 10th, 2023|Assertiveness, Confidence, Self Esteem, Stress|0 Comments

Stressed, Overworked, Wired? Is Supercarer at work?

Are you a woman stressed from juggling too many projects or roles?

When you drop one of the balls does your self-esteem and confidence fall too?

Finding it difficult to say No?

Feeling eaten away by others demands?

You may be in the grips of Supercarer, or in a really bad case, what I call chronic carer syndrome.

We women […]

By |March 25th, 2023|Anxiety, Assertiveness, Confidence, Self Esteem|0 Comments

What I’ve learnt from 20 years as a virtual therapist & coach

by Avril Allen MBACP UKCP – Virtual Support (Online & Telephone) Available

In the current climate we will need to be engaged remotely, though for me as coach, and for my clients, it really does not feel remote at all.

I started working virtually in my therapy practice over 20 years ago. Firstly, by phone, when a […]

News – When Less is More

Our brains are hard-wired to be more alert to news of threat than good news, which in evolutionary terms kept us alive.
The media use this to grab our attention, feeding us with an indigestible diet of dire information. Unfortunately our brains have not developed to quickly process and be discerning about which information to pay […]